I was in pain all the time, and I could barely use my right hand for lack of strength as well as pain. I felt helpless and hopeless. My surgeon was part of a clinical study and said I was perfect for the replacement. I was 30 years old at the time, and my injury was due to an auto accident. I got the two-level, and it was nothing short of magical. I was sitting up in recovery (much to the dislike of the nurse!) FREE of the constant pain that I was in before. [I had] surgical pain from the procedure that got better day by day.
The second night in the hospital, I was in tears telling the nurse how my life changed. She cried alongside me at my story of recovery that changed my life. Now, it’s roughly seven years on, and I have never had the arm and hand pain again! I am strong, and the range of motion is beautiful. I could NEVER fully express my thanks to everyone involved in this product, and my FANTASTIC doctor and his team.
If you are on the fence about this procedure, hop down and head for greener pastures with this implant and a good surgeon. You will not regret it.
Not all patients are candidates for the Mobi-C® Cervical Disc and/or cervical disc replacement surgery. To determine whether specific treatment is applicable to your specific conditions, consult a medical professional. While the Mobi-C enabled Erika to put an end to her arm and hand pain, regain her strength, and appreciate her range of motion, appropriate post-operation activities differ from patient to patient. As a result, your ability to engage in activities following an operation may vary from your abilities prior to undergoing surgery with the Mobi-C. Talk to your surgeon about whether the Mobi-C is right for you and the potential post-operative risks, including pain in the neck, arm, back, shoulder, or head, the feeling of pins and needles in the arms, and difficulty swallowing. For complete risk information, visit www.cervicaldisc.com/aboutyourneck.