Side-view of a cervical spine showing progressive examples of disc degeneration
Side-view of cervical vertebrae showing the effect of disc degeneration
Front view of a cervical spine showing the Mobi-C implanted at two adjacent levels (C4-C5 and C5-C6)
When a cervical disc degenerates, the disc:
- Loses water. With less water, the disc becomes thinner and has less padding to absorb movement. The disc may become less flexible.
- May have tiny tears or cracks in the outer layer (annulus fibrosus) of the disc.
Degenerative cervical spinal pathology may result in a damaged disc that can cause pain. If the wear and tear (degeneration) to the disc in your neck are due to the normal aging process, this is called cervical spondylosis.
Disc degeneration can cause the:
- Inner disc (nucleus pulposus) to squeeze through the outer disc (disc bulge or disc herniation).
- Spinal canal to narrow and pinch the cord and nerves (spinal canal stenosis).
- Spinal cord to be irritated causing a loss of feeling or movement (myelopathy).
- Nerve roots to be irritated or pinched causing pain, weakness, or tingling down the arm and possibly into the hands (radiculopathy).
The Mobi-C® Cervical Disc is an artificial disc for the neck designed to replace one or two worn out discs while maintaining neck movement. Surgery with Mobi-C is for adults with a damaged disc at one or two adjacent levels from C3-C7. Mobi-C may help end or lessen your pain and discomfort associated with the above conditions.
For a complete description of the risks and benefits associated with cervical spine surgery with Mobi-C, please visit www.cervicaldisc.com/clinical-results.
Ask your doctor:
Non-surgical treatment, such as physical therapy, injections, and possibly a neck brace, will be prescribed first by your doctor. If these treatments do not relieve your pain or dysfunction, you and your doctor may determine that you are a candidate for artificial disc replacement.
Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of surgery using the Mobi-C to treat your condition. Surgery with the Mobi-C may help stop your pain and other problems from a damaged cervical disc.
Learn more about Mobi-C.
Am I a candidate for cervical disc replacement with the Mobi-C?
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